2024 KFRA Dues

KF neighbors

One and all, be you short
Or be you tall

The time has come
To pay your dues
$120 remains the sum
To beat the blues!

*This money is spent with thoughtful care:
To keep our parks in good repair
To protect our 'hood from things nefar(ious)
To kindly tend, improve and share

Please chip in without regret
And let us have our best year yet!
But seriously, it's dues collection time again and there are 3 ways to pay...

1. Venmo: you can send your $120 payment to the Kenilworth Forest account @KenilworthForest

2. Mail: Make out your $120 check to Kenilworth Forest Residents Association. 

Mail your check to:

Kenilworth Forest

65 Merrimon Avenue #1073

Asheville NC 28801

3. Hand delivery: If you want to save a stamp, then feel free to drop off your check to a Board member. Contact kfraboard@gmail.com


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